What is Residential Air Conditioning and How Does it Work?

Residential air conditioning is a system that is used to cool and circulate the air in a home. These systems are typically installed in homes that do not have a central cooling system, or in homes that have a central system that is not working properly. There are many different types of residential air conditioning systems, and each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. It is important to have a basic understanding of how these systems work before deciding which type of system is right for your home.

What is residential air conditioning?

Residential air conditioning is a system used to cool and circulate air in a home. These systems, often referred to as central air conditioning systems, typically utilize a refrigerant that is circulated through a system of insulated ducts to maintain a desired temperature. Central air conditioning systems are installed inside the home, usually in a basement or attic, and they are capable of cooling the entire home. Alternatively, an individual room or area of the home can be cooled using a window unit. These systems are generally more affordable and easier to install than a central air conditioning system, but they are not as efficient.

The basics of how residential air conditioning works

A residential air conditioning system works by circulating a refrigerant, usually a type of Freon, through an insulated system of ducts. The refrigerant evaporates as it passes through the system, absorbing heat in the process. This cooled refrigerant is then circulated back to the compressor and through the outdoor coils, which releases the heat into the outdoor air. The cooled refrigerant is then circulated back inside the home, where it absorbs heat from the air in the home and evaporates as it passes through the system. This process is repeated continuously as the system works to maintain a comfortable temperature in the home.


Having a basic understanding of what residential air conditioning is and how it works is essential before you decide which type of system is best for your home. There are several different types of systems available, and each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. If you need to have your residential air conditioning system serviced or installed, contact a professional to help make sure your system is installed and maintained correctly. You can visit lghvac.com to have your system installed.

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